SKU: BLK8 To save on shipping and get bulk pricing, ask your supply house to add BLK8 to Dryer Wall Vent orders.
Painting Options
For protection against the elements, Dryer Wall Vent custom mounting blocks do not require paint. If a custom color is desired, the cellular PVC is fully paintable when 100% acrylic latex paint with a Light Reflective Value (LRV) of 55 or higher is used. The scale for LRV is 0 for black which absorbs all light (and associated heat energy) to 100 (for white which reflects all light and keeps a surface cool).

A perfect complement to the Dryer Wall Vent in applications where stucco or lap siding requires a mount over the house wrap, the AZEK® brand block is made from solid cellular PVC and perfectly sized for mounting the vent. They're about as workable as wood (can be cut, routed or mitered), are impervious to moisture, and they are durable enough to last as long as the Dryer Wall Vent.
8.25" square X 1" with a 4.25" Port
Simple Installation
Post house-wrap, attach the mounting block over the dryer exhaust port and secure in place with corrosion resistant screws. The Dryer Wall Vent can then be attached to the mounting block with either adhesive, screws or both.